3TANIUM application
The main goal of the 3TANIUM tender is to develop NDT methods capable of safely detecting process-related critical defects, as well as understanding their effects on the material and mechanical …
Manufacturing of 3D printed high-end products
AM / 3D printing
Sint&Mill procedure
Titan, cobalt-chrom, precious metals
Aluminium, nickel, steel
Homogenous structure – decrease of warranty repair works
Production of custom products within a short time, at competitive prices
The possibility of manufacturing complex geometries
Our mission
Improve the quality of life directly and indirectly by exploiting the potential of 3D printing
Hungarian Additive Technology Association
Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform
ISO 9001
ISO 13485
Manufacturing: uploading of stl file – control of stl file – manufacturing – shipment
Generally within 3 days, in urgent cases within 24 hours
Creating a digital model from the physical object
Design on the basis of digital models (e.g. intraoral / desktop scanner, CBCT) by using of the appropriate CAD programs.
Production of the product by 3D printing, or by the combination of 3D printing and CNC milling (Sint&Mill)
The main goal of the 3TANIUM tender is to develop NDT methods capable of safely detecting process-related critical defects, as well as understanding their effects on the material and mechanical …
We have participated in the poster competition organised in frame of the 4th Digital Dentistry Society State of Art Conference, held on 14-15 October 2022. Title of our poster is …
As an exhibitor we have participated at the Symposium Szeged international dental conference. The conference was organised by the Hungarian Dental Association and held between 5 – 7 May 2022 …
We will be happy to assist you.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
GDPR annexes (1.)
GDPR annexes (2.)
Projekt címe: Környezetbarát funkcionális flexibilis anyagok energiatárolásra és egészségügyi alkalmazásra
Projekt azonosítója: 2022-1.2.5-TÉT-IPARI-KR-2022-00013
Projekt címe: DigitBrain Experiments – ProMED
Projekt címe: Fogászati és sebészeti fémtermékek körének, minőségének és gyártási hatékonyságának növelése
A projekt azonosító száma: 2018-2.1.3-EUREKA-2018-00009
Projekt címe: A Premet Kft. gyártási kapacitásának növelése
Projekt azonosítója: GINOP-2.1.8-17-2018-02203
Projekt címe: A Premet Kft. termelő kapacitásának bővítése
A projekt azonosító száma: GINOP-1.2.1-15-2015-00820